Monday, June 8, 2009

Cleaning out the Cupboards

So for those that really know me you are probably accustomed to seeing me eat…ALL the time. Few of you probably know that one of my biggest fears is starving to death. I know it seems absolutely ridiculous provided my first world luxurious circumstances but it is a fear non-the-less and it has pushed me to constantly have enough food to feed a family of 6 for 2 months should the front door of my house ever become locked and such a fate occur. Two months for 6 people or about a month for my never-ending conveyor belt of food consumption.

That being said I’ve got a LOT of food and the majority of it didn’t come from this landmass. Since one of the rules permits me to eat anything that was purchased prior to the start date I think it is only fair that I only have bare minimums and cannot resort to the squirreled away reserves I have. Starting in this very moment I am going to face my fear of starving and my challenge of 100 miles head on! This means no more grocery purchases that aren’t within the rules and a whole lot of meals consisting of rice, olive oil and So Delicious PB Zig Zag ice cream.

24 days…..



  1. hey jenna! i love your blog! i feel like i´m going on the 100 mile diet with you.. only not realy! lol I wish you lots of luck, although i know you won´t need it! xoxo

  2. HI! If you have anything you want to get rid of and donate to a fellow student... you know where to send it!

  3. GREAT idea!!! If anyone else reading this is planning on taking the challenge with me and is a student at UW there is a lone box in the SLC labeled Food Bank that always looks sad and empty. :)
    "It's for the Best" would you be willing to take what's already opened ;)
